Are you looking for good book recommendations to help you navigate toddlerhood? Here are 7 highly rated books for toddler parents!
Becoming a parent is no easy task, being a parent of toddlers can be even more challenging. Parents, caregivers, teachers, and even grandparents know how amazing, curious, fun, and challenging toddlers can be! It’s not called terrible twos for nothing!
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As an early childhood educator, ill be the first to tell you that toddlerhood is a crucial time for little ones. This is a time for toddlers to push boundaries, explore, discover, and become familiar with the world around them.
You don’t have to tackle toddlerhood alone, with so many resources available and amazing books on parenting toddlers, a new, and even seasoned parent will find value in some of the books mentioned below.
7 Best Parenting Books For Toddlers
Montessori Toddler
The Montessori toddler is a great book for parents looking to implement more Montessori practices at home. This book covers pretty much everything you need in order to introduce more Montessori methods at home. I have read this book from front to back twice and love it, it has been the starting point for me to add more Montessori methods into our home.
The Whole Brain Child
Have you ever wondered why your toddler throws tantrums when they don’t get their way, or why they refuse to sit at the dinner table and eat dinner! Well, this book doesn’t cover how to deal with tantrums, but it does offer you some insight that is backed by science on how the child’s brain develops over time. The Whole-Brain Child gives great insight into why tantrums and outbursts happen, in addition, it goes over how to raise calmer and happier children using his discoveries.
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No Drama Discipline
Throw away everything you ever learned about discipline! No-Drama Discipline sheds insight on why discipline, as we know, is an outdated strategy. It gets even better, this book also shares practical tips on what parents should do instead.
Raising Good Humans
Are you familiar with the term “reactive parenting”?
Whether you have heard of it or not, we have all seen reactive parenting at some point. Parents who react to their child’s behavior based on their emotions are known as reactive parenting, and Raising Good Humans sheds light on how parents can stop the reactive parenting cycle, and be more mindful of how we respond to challenging behaviors.
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, How To Listen So Kids Will Talk
Communication is key, and as parents learning how to communicate with our kids can sometimes be challenging. How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, How To Listen So Kids Will Talk walks us through common problem-solving methods and even offers effective strategies for building a solid foundation for communication with our kids.
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The amount of unsolicited advice we receive as new parents are insane. Everybody and I mean everybody has an opinion on how to raise your child. For example, You shouldn’t cosleep with your baby it makes them clingy, or my favorite, don’t hold your baby too much, they will become spoiled. SERIOIUSLY!
All advice isn’t great advice and that’s why I love this book. Cribsheet is based on data and debunks some of the most popular myths around parenting to date.
Happiest Toddler On The Block
One of the first books I read, when I became pregnant with my daughter, was Happiest baby on the block, and im glad I read it!
Choosing to read The Happiest Toddler on the block was a no-brainer. This book walks us ( parents) through managing tantrums. Dr. Karp Breaks down each stage of toddlerhood and offers amazing advice on how to raise confident toddlers.
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