If you’re a stay at home mom looking for a realistic schedule to follow, then this is the article for you! Here is an easy-to-follow, realistic stay at home mom schedule!

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Being a stay at home mom isn’t an easy job, contrary to popular belief. To have a healthy stay-at-home mom experience, it’s important to implement some sort of schedule.
A schedule that aligns with your family values, and what’s most important to you. In this article, I’m going to share a realistic stay at home mom schedule that is similar to my own.
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Realistic Stay At Home Mom Schedule Using Google Calendar
I love using Google Calendar to create my schedule, and to time block my days. This is a sample schedule that is very similar to one that I follow myself as a stay at home mom.
This Google calendar shows a highlight of my week as a stay at home mom, and how I use time blocking to map out my days. Each day has a time block for the following;
- Morning Routine
- Outings & Playdates
- Homeschool Activities / Independent Play
- Lunchtime
- Naptime / Quiet Time
- Light Housecleaning
- Dinner
- Bedtime Routine
- Workout/self-care

How To Create A Stay At Home Mom Schedule
In this article, I’m going to walk you through how to create a stay at home mom schedule that aligns with what’s most important to you and is realistic to your daily goals. It’s important to create a schedule that is easy to follow, not too overwhelming, and works best for your family dynamics.
First, Start Time Blocking Your Day
First, let’s organize the day with a time-blocking system. When I was teaching at my preschool, one of the things I did was time block my day. This strategy helped me to be productive, and not get overwhelmed with everything being thrown at me during the day.
The easiest way to start with time blocking is to list all the tasks you would like to accomplish daily. Here are a few of my daily tasks that I include in my time block as a stay at home mom.
- Morning Routine
- Outings/ Playdates
- Homeschooling / Independent Play
- Naptimes / Quiet Time
- Cleaning
- Dinner
- Bedtime Routine
- Workout / Self Care
Once you have established the task you would like to complete each day, you can now organize them into specific time blocks for the day.
Morning Routine – 7:00 am to 9:00
I like to start my day off on a good foot, having a morning routine allows me to do so.
My morning routine consist of;
- Wake Ups
- Getting Dressed, Brushing our Teeth, and doing our hair.
- Having Breakfast
- Morning Time Free Play
- Morning Chores ( Making the beds, putting on a load of laundry, Unloading the dishwasher)
Outings & Playdates 9:00am to 11:00am
Getting out of the house throughout the week is a high priority for me. Since we homeschool, we need to have frequent playdates and outings for socialization. I also use this window to schedule doctor appointments, dentist appointments, or even to run errands.
On days that we don’t have any outings scheduled, I like to use this time to get outdoors with the kids. Whether it’s a walk around the neighborhood, or playing in the backyard. Getting outdoors is beneficial for children, and even use as adults.

Homeschool & Independent Play 11:00 am to 11:45 am
If you are homeschooling, it’s important to have time that is carved out just for homeschooling activities or independent play.
I like to include a homeschooling block in our daily schedule for my daughter who is in preschool. Although at this age we don’t spend a lot of time doing homeschooling activities, I still like to have a time block for homeschooling specifically.
Doing this helps me make sure she completes the lessons from the preschool curriculum she is a part of, in addition to giving her time for independent play, while I prepare lunches or tend to something that needs my attention.
Lunchtime 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
For older toddlers having a time frame each day when lunches are served is important.
Having some flexibility on days when we are out and about is also important, Every day looks different for us when we sit down to each lunch, nonetheless it’s always within the timeframe that I have outlined for lunchtime.
Nap-time / Quiet Time 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
I like to offer quiet time as my daughter gets older and starts to protest taking naps. Quiet time is a great way for her to have time to herself, and for me to reset and catch a minute for myself as well.
I offer quiet time activities that she can do in her room, or wherever we are at the moment. A few quiet-time activities that I offer are books, coloring books, writing books, puzzles, small manipulatives, and more.
I do not offer loud toys. overstimulating, or has sound.
Cleaning & Organizing 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
As a stay at home mom, most of the cleaning during the week falls on our shoulders throughout the day.
I like to give myself time each day to do some light housework and cleaning. Having a time block specifically for cleaning helps me to stay ontop of things, and it helps me to not feel as overwhelmed.
I like to use a cleaning chart, that has specific areas of the house I clean each day of the week. Dividing up the cleaning task helps me tremedousouly.
Afternoon Outings & Play 3:30 pm to 5:45 pm
During the warmer months, I like to incorporate a family walk into our daily routine. By this time my husband os getting off from work and we like to take neighborhood walks as a family. On days when the weather is not ideal for getting outside, having time to play around the house is just as important.
This can be independent play or a time where we play games as a family.

Dinner Time 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
My Dinner time block includes serving dinner, eating dinner, and cleaning up from dinner. I like to have a longer time frame for dinner to include all those task. We try to incorporate family-style dinnertime every night, which we love.
Bedtime Routine 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
This is the time that we start winding down for the night and doing our bedtime routine task, which includes bathtime, brushing teeth, reading books, and going to bed.
Having a specific bedtime routine each night, helps to minimize bedtime meltdowns. My toddler does thrive with a consistent bedtime routine schedule.
Workout/ Self Care 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
At the end of each day I like to take time to do something for myself. Whether its working out, taking a relaxing bath, or reading a book. Taking time for myself to before I go to bed helps!